Characteristics Influencing Water Damage Restoration in Telluride Homes
5/9/2023 (Permalink)
SERVPRO Responds Promptly to Telluride Water Repair Emergencies
Water leaks in a property are dynamic events, so you might resolve them quickly, or they can evolve into stubborn issues that take time and accumulate huge costs. Although water damage restoration requires you to take control and resolve pressing issues, some aspects, such as the physical properties of various materials, may be beyond your control.
Being in control is only one aspect necessary in facilitating successful water damage restoration at your Telluride property. Among the other crucial things is identifying and understanding how uncontrollable issues affect restoration. SERVPRO technicians adapt the response to overcome such challenges.
Characteristics in materials affecting restoration
- Permeance
- Hygroscopy
- Vapor barriers
One of the main tasks necessary when restoring a water-damaged property is extracting the moisture that soaks into materials. The ease at which you can accomplish the extraction depends on the permeance factor of the affected materials. The permeance level in a material determines the ease at which vapor flows through the material. Materials with high permeance are easily saturated but allow fast extraction and drying. You need the right tools, like extractors and dehumidifiers.
Moisture recirculation
It is challenging to complete restoration if the water you remove recirculates back into the property. Turning off mains and sealing leaks are good ways to prevent moisture from re-entering the property. However, some materials can hamper your efforts if they have hygroscopic properties. Hygroscopy refers to the tendency of a material to absorb and hold moisture from the air. Many materials have varying degrees of hygroscopy, including carpets, gypsum, and upholstery. Our SERVPRO crews set up dehumidifiers within the property immediately after we start the restoration, limiting humidity levels in the air.
Vapor barriers block moisture from escaping into the air from underlying materials. These vapor barriers may include plastic sheets, gloss or semi-gloss paint, and half-inch plywood. Our SERVPRO teams can take different actions to help you defeat vapor barriers and complete drying.
Ways to dry materials covered by vapor barriers
- Stripping off surfaces
- Perforating the outside layer
- Circulating dry air behind the vapor barrier
SERVPRO of Montrose / Telluride has the expertise to manage any water damage restoration challenge. Call us at (970) 240-6970.